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Price: 136.51 PLN

For complete using rosin it is recommended to purchase two rosins of different gradations e.g. 20% + 50%, or 30% + 60%

The Amber Range helps Double Bass players find the exact combinationof stickiness, grip, traction & lyrical quality to suit their playing needs.
Receive 2 different rosin recipes in each pack
Choose two recipes from our range of recipe grades (see recipe chart below). From hard and crisp rosins to soft and sticky rosins, our recipes suit all playing styles and conditions.
These recipes do not dry out like other rosins and one recipe would last 1-2 years with intensive playing. You can also mix them on the bow for a more customised result.



How to use the Amber Range
Use the recipe grade chart (above) to choose your desired recipes (2 per pack). They can be the same recipe or different recipes. When you receive your rosin:

- Carefully separate the walls of the rubber cup from the rosin
- Lift the rosin slightly out of the cup or peel down sides of cup
- Keep your fingers touching the sides of the cup, not the rosin
- Apply with fast and strong bow strokes, with heavy pressure on the rosin.
- Swipe towards the centre of the rosin to avoid chipping
- For best use, apply 2 - 5 swipes as required.
- To melt your rosin back into shape, just sit it in the cup on a flat surface in a warm environment or window sill and it will gradually melt back into the shape of the cup. Then allow it to cool and harden before using again

How do the Amber Range recipes compare to other rosin brands in grip and stickiness?
A recent trial group of professional bass players made the following general comparisons:

- 35% was similar to Nymans
- 45% was similar to Pops
- 50% was similar to Oak

Please keep in mind that these comparisons have not been decided through any formal trial or research, and are just the collective opinion of a small group of bass players on one particular day. This group were indoors with an ambient temperature of about 23°C. All our recipes will feel different depending on the climate (temperature) they are tried in.

Whick recipe is best for my climate?
The higher the percentage the softer the rosin. Firstly work out what type of playing context you want the recipe for, then pick a higher grade if you are in a colder or dryer climate, or a lower grade if you are in a hotter or more humid climate. For example. In Singapore or Mexico, the 55% - 60% might be too soft in those hot climates, and these rosins may be more like a liquid, so a 40-45% recipe would be more ideal here. However in Scandinavia (very cold and dry climates) the 55% - 60% will be harder and not as soft, therefore ideal.

What ingridients are used in the Rosin?
The rosin ingredients we are use are derived from pure pine resin. They are safe for the bow. The higher the grade, the less powder rosin included.

Can I mix recipes on the bow?
Yes. You might find your ideal recipe is a mix of a harder and softer grade. This is why we provide 2 recipes per pack.